Here’s a video guide detailing how to get them all. You can access this bonus map from the main menu.
You’ll also discover a secret room where you can play Halls of the damned map from Doom 1. While exploring the Argent Energy Tower mission the most important things to grab are the Elite Guard data chips and the Argent Cell.
It is very important to know that in this mission you can’t reach the end and then go back for some collectibles because at some point you’ll drop down from the train platform and you’ll not be able to go back. Our guide will help you by showing all Doom Mission 5 Secret locations and how to reach them. You’ll also unlock a new high damage weapon Gauss Cannon. There are a bunch of collectibles on this map, including elite guard corpses, data logs, secret rooms and more. It’s the one where you scale a giant tower and have to kill Olivia Pierce in the end. Mission 5: Argent Energy Tower is one of the levels in Doom 2016.